Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Kewt Cat Kisses

Aren’t cats just so kissable? I love to kiss their little nose and forehead. What about you? When a cat snuggles up and taps his wet nose to you, it is an affectionate gesture and a way for them to say “I Love You!” When a kitty is 
slowly blinking his eyes as if he is getting sleepy, it is also a sign of affection which is similar to a blowing kiss. You can return a kiss by giving them a nose bump or blinking your eyes slowly at them.
It is hard to believe that cats are often misunderstood as aloof and unsocial creatures. Below is a collection of kitty kisses photos that will definitely prove those people wrong.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Reason Why Your Life Will Be So Much Easier In 2013


Here are some creative and cool ways to make your life more easier in this year.Presenting to you the biggest reasons why your life will be so much easier! Enjoy. :)

How I Know I Love You

I know I love you because I want to get you soup when you’re sick. Not only do I want to get it for you, I want to make it for you so you can eat something made with love instead of with crushed insects and preservatives. I know I love you because I want to slap anyone who hurts you, even if it’s your boss. I want to hold you when you’re having a nightmare and kiss the spot that hurts when you bump into something. I know I love you because I want you to be healthy even when you’re not sick, and that’s why I keep bugging you to change your crappy eating ways even though I know you’re over hearing about it.

I know I love you because I worry about the stuff only people who love you worry about, like the amount of quality sleep you get a night and how much you drink when you’re sad and whether you’re getting enough vitamin B. Like probably more than your mom does, I’m not sure she especially cares about vitamin B. I know I love you because I freak out when you’re obviously disintegrating yet too stubborn and too “I’m fine” to actually go to the doctor, even though I do that sort of thing myself.

I know I love you because I think you’re beautiful even when you’re not. And I don’t mean good-looking, I mean beautiful, beautiful like there’s something pervasive and magnetic about you that comes through even when you look positively bad. I think you’re beautiful even when you’re hungover and puking your guts out, covered in hives, or when half your face is purple and swollen because you decided to cosplay Fight Club and punched yourself in the eye too hard. I know I love you because I think you’re beautiful even when you’re wearing Crocs and that’s no small accomplishment.

I know I love you because I can’t abandon you, not even when you’re being a dick. Not even when you’re being ten dicks. Normally I don’t put up with that sort of behavior but I love you and I understand you’re stressed or frustrated or PMS-y so I’ll let it slide for a little bit. But I also love you enough to call you out on it when it gets to be too much. I know I love you because only people who love you care to say something about your bad behavior instead of saying nothing and just calling you an asshole behind your back.
I know I love you because I want to listen, I really do. I don’t have anywhere to be that can’t wait for a while and I’m not checking my phone, in fact turned it off and buried it in the cushions the moment you said you needed me. I’m here for you and that other thing can wait.

I know I love you because I’m truly concerned with how your life turns out. It’s not just that I want you to “be happy” or attain that vague self-helpy “inner peace” bullshit we’re all supposed to aspire toward, I want you to express yourself and be fulfilled and feel like you’re living life for a good reason, not just passing the time. I want everything to work out for you the way it should and I want to be there for it, occasionally with champagne.
And I’m genuinely convinced that I love you because I want to do things for you that I don’t want to do for anyone, ever. Examples: I’ll babysit your loud sticky children when you have them. I’ll bring you ice water and take care of you when you eat too much ecstasy like an idiot. I’ll even stand there patiently with a video camera as you attach piranhas to your nipples when you’re broke and trying to get on Jackass, all that and more. That’s how I know I love you, and I hope you know it too.

Monday, May 20, 2013

11 Things That Mean More to Men Than "I Love You"

Learn how to show a man you love him in ways he'll truly appreciate.
photo credit: Thinkstock                                                                                                                     
Actions Speak Louder

You've heard it before: Men are visual; women are verbal. Men are impulsive; women like to analyze things. Men are from Mars; women are from Venus. So since husbands and wives are opposite in many ways, it makes sense that male and female hearts swell for different reasons. While you probably smile when your mate says, “I love you,” those same three words from you may not do much for him. Here's, 11 gestures that show you care and why they’re more meaningful to the guy in your life.

1. Your Undivided Attention

"When the male brain sees you checking your iPhone during dinner, it interprets that as ‘I'm not important,’” says marriage therapist Mike Dow, PsyD. That’s because men’s brains evolved to do one thing at a time while filtering out all other stimuli, he explains. Even though women function differently (you know firsthand how well you multitask), your man will appreciate you focusing solely on him. “It says, ‘You are my priority, and I love you,’” adds Dr. Dow. So make eye contact while he’s talking and limit interruptions.

2. His Favorite Meal

That old adage is true: “The best way to a man’s heart may be through his belly,” says Dr. Dow. “Knowing what he likes to eat without having to ask him demonstrates how well you know him. And the couples I’ve treated who know small details about each other have the happiest marriages.” But maybe your husband likes everything you make! In that case, try breaking out the pumpkin pie. Research by Alan Hirsch, PhD, of the Smell & Taste Research Foundation in Chicago has shown that that sweet scent arouses men more than other aromas. 

3. Wearing that Dress He Loves You in
Dolling up sends the message that you still want to look good for him, no matter how long you’ve been together. “Men’s brains are wired to respond to visual cues more than women’s brains,” says Dr. Dow. “Seeing you in that sexy dress shows him you desire him.” And a scarlet number may work best. A study by researchers at the University of Rochester in New York found that ladies in red are an aphrodisiac to men.

4. Taking Care of Yourself

Shedding stress, eating right, exercising, quitting smoking and even pampering yourself may sound like treats for you, but they’re also ways to show you love him. “This communicates, ‘I want to have a long, wonderful life with you, and I’ll do whatever it takes to prevent you from experiencing the grief of losing someone,’” says Dr. Dow. What better motivation is there to get healthy?

                                     5. Complimenting Him

Throughout time, men have had to fight and provide to attract and keep women—and they aren’t afraid to pull out the masculinity measuring sticks when potential competitors come around. Let your husband know you think of him the way he’d love to be seen: as a provider, problem-solver, handyman, sex stud and knight in shining armor. "Genuine compliments on his looks and strength confirm that you admire him, which equates to love,” says clinical psychologist Andra Brosh, PhD. When he pops the lid on the jam jar with ease, mention that you enjoy having such a strong man around. He’ll beam—and chalk it up as a reason you chose him over all those other guys.

6. Encouraging Him to Take Time for Himself

While you may not hesitate to ask for your time, your husband may have trouble verbalizing what he needs. Occasionally, suggest he take a day to relax with friends, play video games, work on the car or just sleep in. “This shows support and allows him the freedom to do what he needs to be his best self,” says Dr. Brosh. Your husband will see hassle-free, worry-free, chore-free time as a loving reward.

7. Asking His Advice

Your man wants to feel like an important part of your world. On top of that, he’s a hard-wired problem-solver. Ask for his opinion on how to approach the boss for a raise, and you prove you trust and value his judgment. “When a man can fix something, he feels competent and useful,” says Dr. Brosh. “Asking for advice shows that you rely on him and that there’s a place for him in your life. Need, dependency and love go hand in hand.”

8. Thanking Him for the Little Things

Next time your husband drives the kids to school or takes out the trash, express your gratitude. “We’re rushing through life, we forget to notice the good deeds and guys forget to say what they need from you, but they have feelings, too. So say, ‘I really appreciate that,’” says licensed marriage and family therapist Carin Goldstein, creator of Giving thanks will improve his attitude and infuse your relationship with a feel-good energy.

9. A lengthy hug.

Instead of a quick peck before running out the door, choose a lingering embrace. “While women connect verbally, men connect more through touch,” says Goldstein. “Hug for at least seven seconds. It’s a long time, but there’s something about that number where the hold ends up really giving him something.” And there’s no doubt you’ll like it, too.

10. A quickie.

Making love for an hour is nice, but once in a while, have sex for just a few minutes, suggests Dr. Dow. Although women get that loving feeling with a rise in oxytocin (what you release during that post-coital cuddling session), men feel it with an increase in dopamine, the chemical they release during sex which stimulates the mental pleasure-and-reward center, explains Dr. Dow. “I hope that most of the time, your lovemaking is full of foreplay and romance. But other times, just have sex." 

11. Letting Him Vent

The latest office drama or family fight plays on his emotions more than he’d like to let on. So create a safe space for your guy to let his walls down. “Listen to his worries or problems without trying to fix them,” advises Dr. Brosh. “It shows him you don't deem him weak or inadequate and affords him a place in the relationship to share that part of his life. Moreover, it shows you care.” If he comes home from work in a bad mood, ask him if he wants to let it out. If not, that’s fine—but he may need a prod to open the floodgates.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

How to control your Dreams?

Controlling your very own dreams is one of the most captivating experiences a human being can have.

Ever wanted to re-dream your most adventurous imaginative dreams, or simply be the king of your subconscious? It is not enough to merely recognize when you are dreaming. You must learn the laws of the dream world! This is the really the interesting and funny part.

Most of the dreams come as what you have done in your active brain in the recent past. Although the majority of people dream every night, not all those dreams will be in colour, and not everyone remembers theri dreams upon waking. A small minority again can be classed as lucid dreams.