Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What sites should you use to earn money? Where should you start?

Where do I start? What sites can I use to earn money?

There are tons of sites out there; but here are the ones that seem to be some of the bigger earners. I tried to include each type of website.
There are tons of sites out there; but here are the ones that seem to be some of the bigger earners. I tried to include each type of website.

  • Mechanical Turk I don't actually use this site myself but I hear that it is an extremely high earner. How it works is people on this site post tasks (hits) for you to do and they pay you for doing it. NOTE : You must live in the US and be 18 or over.
  • Cash Crate I like this site better than SwagBucks because I feel like there is more stuff to do on it. For beginners: it is your basic GPT (get paid to) site were you complete offers or surveys for cash.

  • What will earn me the most money?

    This is one you will have to decide for yourself. A lot of people say Mechanical Turk but I think they are wrong; I think it's whatever site you feel the most comfortable with and you can earn the most with. Here's a tip: if a site claims to be "fast easy money" than its not.

    So I earned a gazzilion dollars, what do I do with taxes?

    Any website where you have over $600 of earnings from, should be included on you taxes in the form of a 1099 NOTE : This only applies to the US

    CHOO CHOO!! Are we allowed to hop on the referral train?

    It appears that they are allowed as long as the post is informative and is not just for the point of starting a referral train.

    How do I get referrals?

    Here is a nice referral randomizer site made by a redditor. referomatic.

    Why haven't I earned a million dollars in one day using these sites?

    These sites take time; contrary to belief most are not alternatives for real jobs. If you managed to make a living off of these sites well than good for you! But to get to that point it takes hard work and dedication.

    How much can I earn?

    This all depends on the site(s) you use. A lot of people who use multiple beermoney sites earn up to 100$ a month; some even earn more than that. It all depends on what sites you use and how much work you put into the sites.

    But I see people boasting about how they earned 28478656475674.38 dollars!!

    Those people are either lying or dedicated a large portion of their life to earning money online. It takes time, sweat, tears, and (at times) blood to get to that point. It does not happen overnight.
    Now for a list of sites I recommend! Feel free to comment a site you use and I will check it out and might add it here!
    • Cash Crate : A nice alternative to SwagBucks. NOTE : It seems to be available in most countries and to anybody over the age of 13. It may be limited if you live outside of the US.

    Get Paid To Do Free Offers!

    • SwagBucks : Very similar to Cash Crate. Do offers and surveys for cash. NOTE : It too is available if your over 13 and seems to work anywhere. It may be limited if you live outside of the US.
    • Mechanical turk : Complete tasks (hits) for cash. NOTE : Must be over 18 and live in the US.

    • Slicethepie : Write reviews for songs and earn cash. NOTE: No age requirement and works in all countries.
    • Postloop : Earn money by posting in forms. NOTE: Works in any country and no age limit. There might be an age limit for some forums though. Earn Money Posting in Forums

      • Prizerebel : A combination of cash crate and swagbucks. NOTE: 13 and up and you are good. It appears to work fine in any country but people have complained about severely limited offers outside of the US.

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